Friday, January 7, 2022

Lord of Authority, Ouroboros, Coins

Hello Lord of Authority. You say, "Not my will, but Thy will be done".

You tell us to allow the lesser will driven by emotions or ego to the higher will from the higher self.

Have you put your trust in the Lord? Most people haven't.

Try it sometime. You'll be very surprised how easy it is and how wonderful it feels.

Don't surrender your power to anyone. On the other hand, all your real power comes from the Lord.

The Ouroboros is a symbol of connection. The snake has it's tail in it's mouth, creating the circle. It is a connection without end.

In the song, 'The Circle Chant': In this circle of love, in this circle of peace. I feel the unity. This is about Divine unity as well. Connecting and being one with God is the way.

Ouroboros is also about unity. We are all one. We may not realize it, but when we do, everything changes. How can I be angry with another? It is as if I am angry with myself. So too, if we love our self, we also love others.

The coins are the symbol of increase including emotional increase and illumination.

The question is, "Is there an increase in illumination?" Are we wiser as a result of the current situation?

The Coins are coming in today.   Generate the energy and manifest it.

I hear hear the song, "The times, they are a changin'". What is next?

Things are always changing.  Be alert, listen to your inner voice (not the voice in the head).  

Not my will, but thy will be done, says the Lord.    We are one, all connected.  Coins tell us that there are changes coming that will be affecting everyone.  Behold, I make all things new, says the Lord, I am the Alpha and Omega.  Wow, that’s what was moving through.

Smile and get into neutral.  Stay in God’s Love vibration.

You are loved and blessed.

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