Thursday, January 6, 2022

Celestial Bees, Breakthrough Page, Archangel Uriel

There is group activity as shown by the bees. There is continued work to be done and concern about the home (the hive).

Get together with others of like interests and common ideas. It is the bees to do the will of the Divine, we can too. Just be open to it.

There is a lot of work to do today. Have fun doing it.

Start including honey in your diet. It's great on oatmeal and in tea. Good food for your health. How sweet it is.

What is it that we are to step up to? Is this the time to step up and do what needs to be done.

Breakthrough Page refers to a young man /woman who is ready to make a change, to knock on a door and open it. To move to a higher level.

What door do you want to open today? You are a spiritual being working on your transformation.

 Today requires your effort to make things happen.

Uriel, Light of God, Archangel of Earth, Regent of the North in the sign of the Bull.  She is the Angel of Summer, card of success. You tell us that we can do it and be successful. It is the peak of our mental endeavor, knowing a spiritual work is half completed and knowing that important factors are working for you.

Archangel Uriel is full of emotional expression. She brings the light and wisdom too.

Enjoy these days and find successful ways to fill your time.

Shall we get together today with others and have a happy time?   Our joy and connection help each other to share happiness.  When we raise ourselves to a higher place, we get a better view.  Step up and knock so it can be opened to you.   Seek and you shall find.  Ask and it shall be given.  Archangel Uriel tells us of success for us for today.  She brings light and helps us with our light.  Let it shine.

Smile and get into neutral.  Stay in God’s Love vibration.

You are loved and blessed.

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