Saturday, January 8, 2022

Pale Horse, Aries, Unicorn

The Pale Horse is the Card of Fear, especially physical fear.

Today, you may be dealing with some issues of fear or panic. Take a deep breath, count to 15 and move forward.

When fear comes up, it blocks our ability to see options. It puts blinders on us. That little bean sized gland, the amygdala, wants us to fight or take flight.

Get your feet back down on the ground and stabilize.  I'll not let fear rule me is your mantra.

Aries is about new beginnings. There is an inflow of new energy to give us a new start.

Each night we go to sleep and then awaken to a new day, a new opportunity a new beginning (again or for the first time).

Tap into the energy. Draw it to you to accomplish the things you wish to get done.

The Unicorn is the card of uncontrolled force (reckless). There is physical energy and vital force. The Unicorn is alert and aware of subtle energy.

Unicorn tells you that you are ready to move ahead. You are no longer closed off or limited. Bring out your potential, not the reckless.

Perform disciplined creativity. It is successful at this time.

Can we control this force?  Can we learn to work with it?
We are being challenged today by fear of the unseen and unknown.  Get our feet back down on the ground  and face the fears which aren't real.  Ask to know the Truth.  Use the energy of Aries to fully empower you.  We see the unicorn and it’s potential.  Bothe the Pale Horse and Unicorn cautions us to not become reckless, especially with the vital force.  Use it for healing ourselves and the planet

On another level,  Aries is associated with the god of war. This brings much fear in a variety of areas.  Fear not the angels tells us. Bring in the light of the Divine with the help of Aries and Unicorn.
Smile and be positive.  Be in the Love vibration.

You are loved and blessed.

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