Thursday, January 27, 2022

LIbra, Victory Horse, Scorpio

Libra is with us to help find balance in our life, especially today.
Many people are light sensitive and can get cancer with too much Sun light. There are UVA and UVB blockers that can help.  In the winter, we need more balanced light - full spectrum.

Ayurvedic healing defines wellness as having balance in your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of your life.  Bring balance and wholeness into your life today.

Victory is yours ultimately.  Take a bow as you are in the winners circle.  You have run the race and now stand victorious.

You can celebrate your victories and enjoy these days.

This is also a time for being grateful for all your blessings.

When I think of the light color of the Victory Horse, I am also thankful for the growing light of the Divine and the light we bring in through ourselves.

Watch your emotions so they won't get in the way. Breathe deeply and exhale slowly to be grounded and present.

Time to raise our energy as high as we can. Use your vision that is raised too.

It is also a time for healing. Time to let old wounds go and bring healing in where there has been pain.
How do we work with the Scorpio? I'm drawn to the eagle. It is at the top - higher - above the earth.

Can we have balance today and justice too?  Victory Horse says we are already winners.  Thank you God for all your blessings.  
The Scorpio energy is grounding, yet can see beauty.  Libra is asking us to find our balance.  A lot of things can bring us out of balance.  Raise your energy to a higher level rather than focusing on yourself.  You can tap into Scorpio & Libra energy to be grounded and strengthened.

Smile and get into neutral.  Stay in God’s Love vibration.

You are loved and blessed.

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