Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Fence, Gate, Victory Horse

Your guides and teachers can hear you. So does the Universe hear your thoughts and feel your energy. Your intuition is turned up today.

Listen to your inner voice today. The fence is only a symbol of the illusion that separates us from one another, while we are in the physical form.

Lift the veil, dispel the illusion. The truth is behind it all. The Truth is the Divine and the Divine Plan. Do you wish to know more?

Listen to your inner guides and teachers: meditate and use your intuition.

The gate is shut and barred. What can we do? We can wait for a little better time.

There is purpose in the shut gate. If you can't move forward, might as well enjoy it. Time for some conversation today and quiet time.

It may simply be a matter of time. The gate doesn't stay closed forever. Is there another way around the gate? The blocks may be small. Take them one at a time. Don't let your size or lack stop you. You can grow.

Victory is yours ultimately.  Take a bow as you are in the winners circle.  You have run the race and now stand victorious.

You can celebrate your victories and enjoy these days.

This is also a time for being grateful for all your blessings.

When I think of the light color of the Victory Horse, I am also thankful for the growing light of the Divine and the light we bring in through ourselves.


Can you hear and talk with your guides and those in Spirit today?  Talk with your guides and Spirit teachers while you are waiting for the gate to open.  You may feel blocked by the gate.  It looks as if it has been closed for awhile and left unattended.  The message may be to find another way since this door is closed.  When God closes one, He opens another.  You can be victorious today, so go for it.

Smile and get into neutral mind.  Stay in God’s Love vibration.

You are loved and blessed.

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