Friday, January 28, 2022

Fence, Archangel Uriel, Spying Page

Your guides and teachers can hear you. So does the Universe hear your thoughts and feel your energy. Your intuition is turned up today.

Listen to your inner voice today. The fence is only a symbol of the illusion that separates us from one another, while we are in the physical form.

Lift the veil, dispel the illusion. The truth is behind it all. The Truth is the Divine and the Divine Plan. Do you wish to know more?

Listen to your inner guides and teachers: meditate and use your intuition.

Uriel, Light of God, Archangel of Earth, Regent of the North in the sign of the Bull.  She is the Angel of Summer, card of success.

 You tell us that we can do it and be successful. It is the peak of our mental endeavor, knowing a spiritual work is half completed and knowing that important factors are working for you.

Archangel Uriel is full of emotional expression. She brings the light and wisdom too.

The Spying Page or Hesitating Page is the card of the Basic Self and Watchfulness. Note the alertness. There is the hearing and listening. There is also the lack of freedom in initiative.

We could be seeing an unhappy inner child, where there is indecision.

The Spying Page's lower self is watching and waiting.

From the place of the observer, options and alternatives become obvious. One doesn't have to react, one can choose and act with clear mind.
Another message of the red page is to wait for the best time. Be patient.
Are you feeling the separation today?  Can you communicate with your guides today?  Do you feel the love?  Archangel Uriel brings us success, wisdom and light.  Have you observed how long the twilight was yesterday?  The Hesitating Page is watchful and alert.  Listen and be the observer in the present.

Smile and be neutral.  Stay in God’s Love vibration.

You are loved and blessed.

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