Saturday, April 16, 2011

Lord of Authority, Secrets, Self

Hello Lord of Authority. You say, "Not my will, but Thy will be done".

You tell us to allow the lesser will driven by emotions or ego to the higher will from the higher self.

Have you put your trust in the Lord? Most people haven't.

Try it sometime. You'll be very surprised how easy it is and how wonderful it feels.

Don't surrender your power to anyone. On the other hand, all your real power comes from the Lord.

The time is now. Time to realize, there are invisible forces helping now.

There are emotional shifting of values. There is a change of ideas or perspective.

There is high energy coming from all levels.

Higher and higher consciousness moves. You can handle the shift if you are in the present. See you there.

The Self tells us to look at the big picture. Getting perspective is very helpful when we don't know what we don't know.

We are having an emotional experience, just as we intended. Had enough yet? Do you want some more? Become the observer for a new perspective.

There is a higher power. Tap into the energy that runs through everything and use it well.

The circles show 12 sections: signs of the zodiac? Houses of one sign? What do you think? Have you heart that there may now be a 13th house or that the designations may have changed as a result of the magnetic pole shift?

Allow God's higher will to happen. You will have invisible helpers with what needs to be done. See the big picture and get some perspective. Align with the Higher Self to get it.

Today we have 3 powerful cards by themselves, then put them together and it speaks with powerful volume. There is a lot happening in the higher realms that are also working with us.

Heads up.

You are loved and blessed.

Having the Lord around is very powerful along with the Self of the zodiac. Now you know what's happening for today.

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