Sunday, January 2, 2022

Scorpio, Sacred Mushroom, Sapphire

Watch your emotions so they won't get in the way. Breathe deeply and exhale slowly to be grounded and present.

Time to raise our energy as high as we can. Use your vision that is raised too.

It is also a time for healing. Time to let old wounds go and bring healing in where there has been pain.

How do we work with the Scorpio? I'm drawn to the eagle. It is at the top - higher - above the earth.

The mushroom is symbolic of higher consciousness. That's what we've been talking about. A shift of consciousness to a higher level.
In some cultures, taking the sacred mushroom raises their consciousness. We all know that raising our consciousness is not as easy as it is talking about it. It takes discipline, practice, meditation, right living, etc. It's not easy, but it can be done with effort.
Sometimes having another like minded person to work with you is very helpful. Group work can build energy to assist us in raising our vibration and level of consciousness. Where is your group or mentor? A new teacher may be coming to you.

The blue Sapphire is the card that brings the light of understanding. It is a symbol of the higher Self. With it comes illumination and Spiritual Wisdom.

Today it is asking us to find clarity. Can we let go of material and mental things? Can we improve the connection by removing blockages, allowing clarity and guidance to come through?

Can you allow your self the joy of connecting with your higher Self and getting information, wisdom and connections you wouldn't see otherwise?
Can you bring all the facts together today, like putting the pieces of the puzzle together?

Will there be healing today with Scorpio energy?  Work with your guides and teachers to raise your consciousness so you can use the Scorpio energy to heal.  Connect with your Higher Self and use that energy also.  It’s a new year and there is so much illness and insanity.   Healing is needed.  Go within and be healed.  Ask your higher self to send it out to everyone who needs it.

Smile and get into neutral mind.  Stay in God’s Love vibration.

You are loved and blessed.

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