Saturday, January 1, 2022

Major Wish, Bed, Gate

The major wish is the YES card in the deck. When it appears in a reading, your major wish can come true. What is your wish? Is it full of love?
Magical things happen when you say, "Yes, I can". Barriers fall down and you can do what you need to do.

Keep your wish outcome in mind. Visualize and keep saying Yes.
Do you take time to be present and connect with the All? It can be Divine for you.

Fill you heart with love and you can do anything.

The bed is a place of rest, a place where the subconscious mind is active and the conscious mind is asleep. Time to dream and to process the dreams. Use your dream time to give you insight and inspiration.

One could say that getting out of the bed, vacating it is the solution. The Universe loves action, especially when it is the correct action.

What lies dormant here? What do the dreams tell you? Start /continue the dream journal to get insight.

The gate is shut and barred. What can we do? We can wait for a little better time.

There is purpose in the shut gate. If you can't move forward, might as well enjoy it. Time for some conversation today and quiet time.

It may simply be a matter of time. The gate doesn't stay closed forever. Is there another way around the gate? The blocks may be small. Take them one at a time. Don't let your size or lack stop you. You can grow.

Do you have a major wish and will it come today?  If you need more rest, you can have it.  If you need to activate your strengths, go for it.  Call upon you dream and make it happen. The gate is closed and barred.  Good idea to stay home and enjoy a restful day.

Interesting that Major wish is also a Yes.  Will we get a Yes today?  Use your latent talents.  It’s a NO

I’ve been suggesting that you get into your neutral mind.  These cards are telling us that you can do it.  Yes is positive and Gate is No.  Get in the middle.  Get out of bed.  The Universe rewards action.  You have it in you.  Stay in God’s Love vibration.

You are loved and blessed.

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