Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Road of Indecision, Totem, Archangel Michael

What is the larger concept? How do we rethink the situation to make the best choice?

Where are you on the Road of Indecision? This is also the road of return. Are we now coming full circle?

Are you on the other side of the mountain? Are you making your return trip home?

Always look to what your options are and use your intuition too.

The Totem is all about family. It is our connection with the past. It is the karma we bring into this life. It is about genetic influences. Yesterday, I heard that we are all 99.9% the same. That's pretty close to saying we are all one. Genetic connection is being studied world wide.

Does the connection with family help or hurt. It can do either or both.

How is our relationship with family today?
Often, Totem is about karma and Spiritual Family

Archangel Michael, Angel of Fall is with us. Michael is sitting looking to the future, but aware of the winds of change. Don't feel alone, the angels are with us. Michael is helping you with protection and letting go.

Michael is telling us to evaluate the situation. Give proper thought to the best solution. Get the facts, use sound judgement and have the attitude of gratitude. Let go of old ideas, old patterns and old energy like the leaves of the trees.

Just say, "I can do it".

 What is the larger concept here today?  Totem says that it is all about family.  It is our connection with our ancestors that make up the physical body that we inhabit.  Are you considering the larger concept and our ancestors.  Trust that you have chosen well your parents and peers. Pray that you spiritual family are helping you with seeing what they see that you can't. Archangel Michael brings you protection and can help you to let go what you need to. Give thanks to Spirit. 

 Smile and get into neutral mind. Stay in God's loving vibration.

You are loved and blessed.

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