Monday, January 17, 2022

Pale Horse, Totem, Victory Horse

The Pale Horse is the Card of Fear, especially physical fear.
Today, you may be dealing with some issues of fear or panic. Take a deep breath, count to 10 and move forward.

When fear comes up, it blocks our ability to see options. It puts blinders on us. That little bean sized gland, the amygdala, wants us to fight or take flight.

Listen to the message, as it may refer to an issue of safety. Then let the emotion of the fear go, release it and move forward.

The Totem is all about family, including Spiritual family. It is our connection with the past. It is the karma we bring into this life. It is about genetic influences.
There is a strong connection with the Earth in the totem and the pine trees behind. As I gaze at the picture, the Totem is welcoming us back to nature and to our brother/sister spirits of the Earth

Feel the connection with All, with everyone. Your connection is your power. 

Victory is yours ultimately. Take a bow as you are in the winners circle. You have run the race and now stand victorious.

You can celebrate your victories and enjoy these days.

This is also a time for being grateful for all your blessings. When I think of the light color of the Victory Horse, I am also thankful for the growing light of the Divine.

Good luck, get in the race and win. Then bow your head humbly in gratitude.

The Pale Horse is feeling fearful. Are you feeing that way too?  Touch into the energy of your ancestors and spiritual family, all the way to the Source.   You are so rich as a winner with all that you have. Share the peace from within. It calms the savage fear. Practice contentment too. Join with those of your Spiritual Family and share the joy. Share the love. 

Smile and get into neutral mind.  Stay in God’s Love vibration.

 You are loved and blessed.

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