Friday, May 1, 2009

Sagittarius, Death, Spying Page

The stars of Sagittarius may remind you of the spring rains we have seen this week. Is the energy going in the direction of the arrow? Where we aim and place our attention is where our energy goes.

As we continue in the New Moon, we look at our goals and our vision from the beginning of the year. How have we done this month? Ruled by Jupiter, benevolence is generally felt.

Our vision and goals are optimistic. What are we to do?

The Angel of Death is ready to cut the ties to the old stuff that isn't working. Are you ready for it? We are saying, "about time to end this stuff and begin anew"

The moon shines brightly when it is dark. Things that are not seen in the dark are now having light shined on it.

What is in your spotlight? Time to end it and let it go so a new beginning can take place.

Be ready and willing.

The Spying Page or Hesitating Page is the card of the Basic Self and Watchfulness. Note the alertness. There is the hearing and listening. There is also the lack of freedom in initiative.

We could be seeing an unhappy inner child, where there is indecision.

The Spying Page's lower self is watching and waiting.

It may not be time yet, so be the observer and then take action. Patience.

You are loved and blessed.


Nina said...

Hi Ken

What a great site!
I was wondering if you could please tell me where to get this deck? I live in Denmark.


Rev. Ken Foor said...

Yes I can, please email me using the email address in about me.