Today, you may be dealing with some issues of fear or panic. Take a deep breath, count to 10 and move forward.
When fear comes up, it blocks our ability to see options. It puts blinders on us. That little bean sized gland, the amygdala, wants us to fight or take flight.
Listen to the message, as it may refer to an issue of safety. Then let the emotion of the fear go, release it and move forward.

Michael is telling us to evaluate the situation. Give proper thought to the best solution. Get the facts, use sound judgement and have the attitude of gratitude and all will be well.
Let go of old ideas, old patterns and old energy like the leaves of the trees.
Call upon Archangel Michael to assist with the letting go and to help with healing.

The Magical Horse tells us that we are making magical progress today. We see the horse is on the track, in the race and running well. Things are moving in a magical way.
What good news. There is also assurance of good health. What a blessing.
Be conscious of your intuition today and follow your inner guidance to progress well. Let your inner light shine.
Today is a great day for healing and to make magical progress. Release the fear. Ask for help with Archangel Michael. This may include protection. You'll be making magical progress once you do.
You are surrounded by horses and angels. Tap into the love and strength.
You are loved and blessed.
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