Thursday, April 9, 2009

Woolly Mammoth, Lord of Benevolence, Sapphire

Hello, Full Moon and Holy Thursday:

The Woolly Mammoth brings seeds of the past forward to be healed. What stuff is unresolved and needs healing?

There are many people carrying pain from the past and continue to carry these painful memories. Time to process it now we are where we are.

Time to move forward, recognizing we are all connected on the Spiritual level.

Let's create new memories of healing and compassion for one another.

Could be some karmic work for today. You are ready for it.

How do we work this energy? The Lord of Benevolence is holding his hand open to the bird, representing Spirit. Let the bird take these seeds from us. Offer them to Spirit. Some call this surrendering it.
This is the answer: be open, allow more information to come to you. Be in the Present and at peace. Call Spirit to you. Calling makes the connection.
This is largely a mental space. You know how to get to it don't you? Begin with the concept.

Time to spend some time in Silence with the Presence.

Relax and find the peace within you.

The blue Sapphire is the card that brings the light of understanding. It is a symbol of the higher Self. With it comes illumination and Spiritual Wisdom.

Today it is telling us that we are receiving clarity. We remove the memories from the past allowing clarity and guidance to come through.

Allow your self the joy of connecting with your higher Self and getting information, wisdom and connections you wouldn't see otherwise. You can bring all the facts together today, like putting the pieces of the puzzle together.

Today is a great day for moving forward, gaining understanding and Spiritual Wisdom (Lord of Benevolence). You may gain insight into what has happened in the past and how it has been affecting you in the present (Sapphire).

There are times when the literal of the cards apply, for example: today, we join together as one from many. Seeds from the past (Mammoth), seeds in the hand of the Lord of Benevolence and the chips of Sapphire (seeds) are all around. What we carry with us, we give up and we gain clarity.

Another interesting aspect of today's reading is that the blue tells us to focus on the concept as it is happening on the mental plane.

We are loved and blessed.

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