The dog is attentive, listening and focused. The same kind of focus when they are waiting to greet us when we come home.
What is dog focused on? Do you feel the anticipation the dog is feeling?
It looks as if it has its full winter coat on. Are you ready for cooler weather still?
What is dog focused on? Do you feel the anticipation the dog is feeling?
It looks as if it has its full winter coat on. Are you ready for cooler weather still?

Frogs are a symbol of transformation. How can the transformation happen? By the power of the mind. The Power of Right Motivation. The power of Sublimation. Transformation is change - a metamorphosis.
This is the card of Psychic and Occult Exchange. It is an intimate consultation of a spiritual nature, possibly with the higher self or Teacher.
Pay attention to your intuition today. Listen to the inner voice. Watch the confrontations. What do you hear the Holy Frogs saying? Are you listening? Pay attention to your dreams too.

We experience, expand the consciousness of our self, the Divine Self and the true Self. Evolving and expanding in a glorious way.
Our guardians look after our safety. We are protected by Divine Love. Our spirit guides and teachers work with us. Sometimes they are showing us the way they have walked. They share our wisdom with us and us with them.
There is an ever flowing and unfolding of consciousness. Tap into it. The Christ consciousness is flowing in now as shown by the vine. Open to it and feel the Divine with you (Di vine).
You are loved and blessedd.
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