Monday, October 10, 2016

Little Child and Puppy, Swamp, Libra

The Child and the Puppy is the card of attachment. An emotional wish granted. We have responsibility to our children and our animals. This also speaks to our responsibility to any one in need.

There is the granting of an emotional wish through the gift of love.

What emotional wish do you have today?

Step into some shoes larger than yours, trust and do what needs to be done - with love.

The swamp cautions us not to be overwhelmed. Clarity may be difficult with the swamp's muddy waters. Are you in muddy waters or is that your thinking?

Watch your step in the swamp. It is wise to test the path ahead before making a commitment. Have you been sinking because of a misstep?

Watch for emotional trickery going on. Keep an eye on things. There may be alligators and snakes you can't see in the muddy water. Our friend Bill reminded us this past week of the old saying, "Its hard to remember we had planned to drain the swamp when there are alligators bitting our backside".

Libra is with us to help find balance in our life, especially today.

Many people are light sensitive and can get cancer with too much Sun light. There are UVA and UVB blockers that can help.  In the winter, we need more balanced light - full spectrum.

Ayurvedic healing defines wellness as having balance in your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of your life.  Bring balance and wholeness into your life today.

Is there an attachment you need to release.  Swamp advises to watch our step as well as emotional overload.  Libra says we can be balanced.  we have help from the stream of cosmic energy called Libra.

You are loved and blessed.

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