Sunday, October 9, 2016

Journey, Lord of Power, Woolly Mammoth

The journey is the card of progress. It can also indicate an ethical decision is being made. We are emotionally moving forward and mentally reaching for a specific goal.

Change your consciousness and you can change your view. You may see a better path to take.

We are on the long and winding road. It can be a higher road that shortens our trip. Enjoy the journey.

The Lord of Power is the card of concentration and channeling of energy. It is the control of emotional vitality, direction of dynamics of personality. Understand that all levels of force belong to one Energy, Ulti-matter.
You have greater power to use from your inner self and higher self.  Understand how to use your spiritual power. The right thought creates the right action. You have the power to manifest by using these spiritual laws.  Manifest what you want and are guided to.  Do this with prayer and meditation. This is how you access Divine Abundance and create.

The Woolly Mammoth brings seeds of the past forward to be healed. What stuff is unresolved and needs healing?

There are many people carrying pain from the past and continue to carry these painful memories. Time to process it now we are where we are.

Are you ready to move forward, recognizing we are all connected on the Spiritual level?

Let's create new memories of healing and compassion for one another. Could be some karmic work for today. Are You ready for it?
How is our progress on our journey going?  The answer is found in our meditations because that is where the power and wisdom can be found.  Woolly Mammoth is moving forward and so are we as we heal the seeds from the past.

You are loved and blessed.

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