Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Path, Lord of Benevolence, Taurus

The Path card is about time and distance. As a short path, it refers to an emotion that does not endure for long. It is pronounced but temporary.
There is a touch of the unconscious, the abode of the Gods. We have allowed the unconscious to come to the conscious. That's what readings are all about.

We are on the short path. We can only see a short distance.

What lies beyond? We have to be in the present to get there.

How do we work this energy? The Lord of Benevolence is holding his hand open to the bird, representing Spirit. Let the bird take these seeds from us. Offer them to Spirit. Some call this surrendering it.

This is the answer: be open, allow more information to come to you. Be in the Present and at peace. Call Spirit to you. Calling makes the connection.

This is largely a mental space. You know how to get to it don't you? Begin with the concept.

Taurus, you seem to be in a calm and balanced state. Your ears are back and your attention is looking up.

How do we feel? Are we balanced today? When we look up, what are we thinking? Are we lifting our thoughts and consciousness up?

At least we are grounded with all our feet on the ground. We have great strength and a good nose for things. We are also very practical, right?

The word 'patience' often comes to me when I see the bull.

We can't see to far ahead of us, for now.  This will change though with time.  The Lord of Benevolence tells us to open and allow.  We can do that best with meditation and then allowing it to unfold in the physical world.  Tap into the stability of the bull.  We can be persistent and enjoy the bliss.

You are loved and blessed.

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