Thursday, August 11, 2011

Spinning Top, Coins, Libra

The Spinning Top - an unexpected surprise. Could be a shock like what we see in the Jack's eyes. I hope you are shocked and overjoyed with your day

Take care that it doesn't unbalance you. You can keep things going.

We live in a context of our thoughts. What are we thinking? What do we wish to think, create and be?

We can become unbalanced unless we stay grounded. What is the surprise?

The coins are the symbol of increase including emotional increase and illumination.

The coins roll in as if to tell us there is change happening. I hope it is financial in a positive sense for you. I have hope for a better economy and jobs for everyone who wants one.

Coins are often also called change. As the song says, "The times they are a changin' ". Change is a constant of the Universe. Does change startle you or are you alert and in the present? The answers are within you.

Use the cosmic energy of Libra: Find beauty and balance. Bring in the good health by balance.

When a sign of the zodiac comes up, one has to ask: is this a person or a the archetype of the sign or both.

Today, I'm going with both the energy from Libra as well a person. It is not that the person is always in balance, but that they are working to be balanced.

Balance is what we need this day. Being in the present where balance is found.

There has been a surprise.  The information came yesterday to us. There may be more today. Now we have to look at options and the financial impact of the change.  Keeping balance is so important.  The Spinning Top may have unbalanced us.  Use the stream of energy from Libra to balance.

You are loved and blessed.

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