Friday, August 12, 2011

Pisces, Lord of Power, Pale Horse

Pisces are compassionate, sensitive and charitable. They will quickly put the needs of others ahead of their own. It's this kind of self-sacrifice that keeps these folks going.

They like to go with the flow. Don't we all?

Today's issue may be about how charitable and compassionate we are. Is your heart open? Do you allow the Christ Spirit to be within your heart?

Are you being heard, listened to? If not there can be problems with the Pisces.

The Lord of Power is the card of concentration and channeling of energy. It is the control of emotional vitality, direction of dynamics of personality. Understand that all levels of force belong to one Energy, Ulti-matter.

You have greater power to use from your inner self and higher self.

Understand how to use your spiritual power. The right thought creates the right action. You have the power to manifest by using these spiritual laws.

Manifest what you want and are guided to. Do this with prayer and meditation. This is how you access Divine Abundance and create.

The Pale Horse is the Card of Fear, especially physical fear.

Today, you may be dealing with some issues of fear or panic. Take a deep breath, count to 15 and move forward.

When fear comes up, it blocks our ability to see options. It puts blinders on us. That little bean sized gland, the amygdala, wants us to fight or take flight.

Listen to the message, as it may refer to an issue of safety. Then let the emotion of the fear go, release it and move forward.

Pisces may somethings have difficulty making a decision or be wishy washy about it.  Our suggestion is to go into deep meditation.  Raise the vibrations to a higher level and await the decision to become evident.  Fear not - push through it and see the reality, not the falsity.  We have the Christ energy coming in to raise us higher too.

What a crazy week.  Be aware that everything is in Divine Order.  It is as it should be.

You are loved and blessed. 

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