Friday, April 1, 2011

Legal Papers, Death, Capricorn

The card of Legal papers is about written work. It can be about business affairs, legal procedures or business responsibility. It is also the card of study and contracts.

My sense is that it is time to study the writings and apply a higher vision to the situation. A day or so ago, I was thinking about working with our guides in automatic writing to improve the connection and get a higher perspective.

When we wish to work on transformation, especially mediumship or healing, this is one way to do it. Do you go into articles on what you are studying for more info and insight?

The Angel of Death is ready to bring closure. The Full Moon is almost gone and a New Moon is upon us.

Death is standing in front the moon as it shines brightly. Of course we can see the Moon in daylight as well as night time. Things that are not seen in the dark are now having light shined on it. There is extra light from the Sun, reflected back to us from the Moon in the card.

What is in your spotlight? Time for an ending and new beginning.

Be ready and willing.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, so our progress is slowed. If your issue is about starting something new, a delay is coming today. Take a deep breath.

Take time with Legal Papers and Death. Enjoy some help from Death. Take time to give thanks. Time to let the Death card work with and for us.

Use your sure footing today. You can see the higher road. You are surrounded with cosmic energy. When one is raised up, all of humanity is too.

Employ your focus. You can do that. Just trust in the Divine.

Today's reading is very powerful with both Death as well as the Cosmic energy of Capricorn. Use it to your advantage.

On another level, papers have been fax submitted to the right people. Time for ending the BS and making the request successful. Capricorns can be very persistent. That is what it takes sometime.

Remember that you are a Child of God, loved and blessed.

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