Thursday, January 20, 2022

Victory Horse, Self, Swamp

Victory is yours ultimately.  Take a bow as you are in the winners circle.  You have run the race and now stand victorious.

You can celebrate your victories and enjoy these days.

This is also a time for being grateful for all your blessings.

When I think of the light color of the Victory Horse, I am also thankful for the growing light of the Divine and the light we bring in through ourselves.

The Self tells us to look at the big picture.  Getting perspective is very helpful when we are in a fear or panic mode.

We are having an emotional experience, just as we intended.  Had enough yet?  Do you want some more?

There is a higher power.  Tap into the energy that runs through everything and use it well.

The swamp cautions us not to be overwhelmed. Clarity may be difficult with the swamp's muddy waters. Are you in muddy waters or is that your thinking?
Watch your step in the swamp. It is wise to test the path ahead before making a commitment. Have you been sinking because of a misstep?
Watch for emotional trickery going on. Keep an eye on things. There may be alligators and snakes you can't see in the muddy water. Our friend Bill reminded us this past week of the old saying, "Its hard to remember we had planned to drain the swamp when there are alligators bitting our backside".


Can we see victory today?  The Self tells us to look at the big picture.  Getting perspective is very helpful when we are in a fear or panic mode or overwhelmed by our emotions.  Swamp tells us to watch our step and keep an eye on things.  Being a winner is part mental so keep your attitude in neutral.

You are loved and blessed.

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