Saturday, January 22, 2022

Archangel Uriel, Pisces, Foxes

 Uriel, Light of God, Archangel of Earth, Regent of the North in the sign of the Bull.  She is the Angel of Summer, card of success. You tell us that we can do it and be successful. It is the peak of our mental endeavor, knowing a spiritual work is half completed and knowing that important factors are working for you.

Archangel Uriel is full of emotional expression. She brings the light and wisdom too.

The energy is flowing in. Has there been a blockage for you?

Energy is now flowing in as if to flush it out. It's now open.

Get out of the way and get going. Pisces people can be very sensitive. The key is not to be overly sensitive.

The Christ energy is flowing in now. Open to it and bring it in.

The Full Moon is out and the clouds have parted.  The Moon reflects the light from the Sun and the Moonlight shines on us.  If you look, you can see things happening that you  couldn't see otherwise.

The foxes tell us to be clever - use our mental capabilities and also watch for the cleverness of others.  Keep the foxes out of the Hen House.  Let's all be more savvy this year and do the right things.

The Moonlight lights your path.  Keep your eyes open and watch for the best timing.

Can we receive the wisdom we seek today and be successful?  Which way to go, says Pisces.  There is some indecision.  Go with the flow of energy from God.  The foxes tells us to watch our step and be cautious.  The light is shinning on what was not seen before. Open your eyes and see the obscure. Smile and get into neutral mind. Stay in God's Love vibration.

You are loved and blessed.

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