Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Taurus, Scorpio, Lord of Authority

Taurus, you seem to be in a calm and balanced state. Your ears are back and your attention is looking up.

How do we feel? Are we balanced today? When we look up, what are we thinking? Are we lifting our thoughts and consciousness up?

At least we are grounded with all our feet on the ground. We have great strength and a good nose for things. We are also very practical, right?

The word 'patience' often comes to me when I see the bull.

Watch your emotions so they won't get in the way. Breathe deeply and exhale slowly to be grounded and present.

Time to raise our energy as high as we can. Use your vision that is raised too.

It is also a time for healing. Time to let old wounds go and bring healing in where there has been pain.

How do we work with the Scorpio? I'm drawn to the eagle. It is at the top - higher - above the earth.

Hello Lord of Authority. You say, "Not my will, but Thy will be done".

You tell us to allow the lesser will driven by emotions or ego to the higher will from the higher self. That's really hard to do when our emotions are not at our best or there is cleverness around.

Having the Lord around is very powerful along with the Major wish. Now you know what's happening for today.

Do the best you can with the cards you are dealt. Play them well. Turn the lemon into lemonade / or something like that. It is what it is.

TODAY’S ENERGY: Looks like some grounding issues today.  Let's raise our vibrations to the Love vibration with Scorpio energy.   Remember that we may see something that is positive or negative, but is just what God wants for us. to meet our needs.  Surrender your will to the Will of God and you will amazing things.

Smile and get into neutral where you can feel God’s Love vibration.

You are loved and blessed.

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