Thursday, December 30, 2021

Spying Page, Lord of Contemplation, Lord of Authority

The red page - the spying page is observing and hesitant. Often when you are really observing, you are in the present moment. You can listen and broadly focus.

From the place of the observer, options and alternatives become obvious. One doesn't have to react, one can chose and act with clear mind.

Another message of the red page is to wait for the best time.

It is a challenge to stay in the present moment, but you can do it.

Can you concentrate and enter into deep meditation?

Give it a try or keep trying.

Before making a decision, do you give it great thought or just make it without thought?

Do you get in touch with your higher self and follow the inner guidance?

Give yourself the benefit of your meditative / neutral mind.

Hello Lord of Authority. You say, "Not my will, but Thy will be done".

You tell us to allow the lesser will driven by emotions or ego to the higher will from the higher self. That's really hard to do when our emotions are not at our best or there is cleverness around.

Having the Lord around is very powerful along with the Major wish. Now you know what's happening for today.

Do the best you can with the cards you are dealt. Play them well. Turn the lemon into lemonade / or something like that. It is what it is.
What is it with hesitating today and what to do?  Lord of Contemplation says to give meditation a try.  Meditate on it and then follow your higher guidance.  Then, ask the Lord of Authority for Divine Will to be fulfilled.  You can do it and tbe successful.  

Wow, 2 red cards and 2 Lords.  Think about that and then surrender only to God.

Smile and get into neutral mind where you can be in God’s Love vibration.

You are loved and blessed.

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