Friday, December 24, 2021

Pale Horse, Ouroboros, Noisy Seabird

The Pale Horse is the Card of Fear, especially physical fear.

Today, you may be dealing with some issues of fear or panic. Take a deep breath, count to 15 and move forward.

When fear comes up, it blocks our ability to see options. It puts blinders on us. That little bean sized gland, the amygdala, wants us to fight or take flight.

Get your feet back down on the ground and stabilize.  I'll not let fear rule me is your mantra.

The Ouroboros is a symbol of connection. The snake has it's tail in it's mouth, creating the circle. It is a connection without end.

In the song, 'The Circle Chant': In this circle of love, in this circle of peace. I feel the unity. This is about Divine unity as well. Connecting and being one with God is the way.
Ouroboros is also about unity. We are all one and we are "One with God". We may not realize it, but when we do, everything changes. When we love our self, we also love others. This says we are all connected and that life is a circle. You know it, feel it.

Squawk, squawk, squawk sounds the noisy seabird. Just making noise. It can be very distracting. Listen behind the noise. Do what your heart tells you.

Use your intuition to hear the truth. Ask to hear the truth.There is physical distraction and interfering communication.

Today there is sharing information. It is a time to watch the words you speak and to consider the words of others in this light. 
Don't believe everything you hear.  As Don Miguel would say with his 5th Agreement,   "Be skeptical, but listen".

Good Lord, the planet seems to be so afraid of this virus that it is having such amazing effects.  Can we learn not to panic?  Ouroboros reminds us that we are all connected.  People are suffering with this virus.  Prayers are needed for our brothers and sisters. It’s Christmas Eve.  It’s a great time to sing Christmas carols just like the noisy seagulls.  Listen with your heart and ears.  You may hear the angels sings.

Get into the neutral and stay in God’s Love vibration.

You are loved and blessed.

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