Sunday, December 26, 2021

Archangel Gabriel, Spinning Top, Fool

Archangel Gabriel watches over us this day.  

She turns her head and listens.  Are you listening?  It is what we don't do enough of.  Are you listening to your thoughts?  Are you listening to God speaking to you?

Our thoughts are a reflection of how we are feeling and where we are.  Listen to them, especially if there is a need for change.

Archangel Gabriel is the Messenger of God.  She takes messages as well as gives them.  What message do you wish to send and/or receive.

The Spinning Top - an unexpected surprise. Could be a shock like what we see in the Jack's eyes. I hope you are shocked and overjoyed with your day

Take care that it doesn't unbalance you. You can keep things going.

Often this reflects a surprise that isn't is also less positive.

Be alert and you will stay balanced.

The fool is the card of physical pleasure and experience. The soul of the personality is in search of knowledge.

There may be a new beginning starting today.

What are you questing? What doors do you wish to open?

There is a suggestion to be more childlike.

You can do that,

Looks like a challenging day.  Can we listen for our message?  You may get a surprise today, watch for it.  
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Day.  Now we want to have a good experience today too.  Let’s play with our gifts or continue to practice what we learned yesterday.  Today can be fun too.

Be neutral and stay in God’s Love vibration.

You are loved and blessed.

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