Friday, July 10, 2020

Aquarius, Pisces, Self

The energy of Aquarius is pouring out. It is added to the flow which varies in intensity and amplitude. Be aware of the energy flow today.

Aquarius tells us to look at our issues from a higher level, such as how it affects humanity. Can you do that? It can be a challenge to think at this level. Wouldn't it be nice if all of our leaders did it instead of the opposite?

How about some new ideas? With the outpouring, we may get some if we are open to them. Are you?

The energy is flowing in. Has there been a blockage for you?

Energy is now flowing in as if to flush it out. It's now open.

Get out of the way and get going. Pisces people can be very sensitive. The key is not to be overly sensitive.

The Christ energy is flowing in now. Open to it and bring it in.

The Self tells us to look at the big picture.  Getting perspective is very helpful when we are in a fear or panic mode.

We are having an emotional experience, just as we intended.  Had enough yet?  Do you want some more?

There is a higher power.  Tap into the energy that runs through everything and use it well.

Can we look at our issue from a higher level today?  Pisces are called dreamers.  Do you remember your dreams?  Do you have dreams that you would like to fulfill? Aquarius tells us to look at our issues from a higher level as with humanity perspective.  Do you have some new ideas to try.   Speaking of dreams, we can program our self to remember our dreams and ideas.  Set the intention before sleep.  Upon awakening, write it down before you even get out of bed.  Take a look at the big picture Self tells us.  The higher Self gives us a higher perspective just as suggested with Aquarius.  How do we do it?  Raise our vibrations.  Think of the higher beings like the Christ or Buddah, etc.  That helps.  How about meditation and breathing.

We have 3 streams of cosmic energy to tap into.  Very unusual.  Go for it.

You are loved and blessed.

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