Friday, June 26, 2020

Sacred Mushroom, Archangel Gabriel, Taurus

The mushroom is symbolic of higher consciousness. That's what we've been talking about. A shift of consciousness to a higher level.

In some cultures, taking the sacred mushroom raises their consciousness. We all know that raising our consciousness is not as easy as it is talking about it. It takes discipline, practice, meditation, right living, etc. It's not easy, but it can be done with effort.

Sometimes having another like minded person to work with you is very helpful. Group work can build energy to assist us in raising our vibration and level of consciousness. Where is your group or mentor? A new teacher may be coming to you.

Feel the connection with All, with everyone. Your connection is your power.
The warm days are peaking and weather is becoming more seasonal.  Time to prepare for winter.  There are sales of clothes as the summer is winding down

We are asking for messages to help us out and to get higher insights.  Gabriel is God's messenger.  She listens to us and to God's Words.

Gabriel has her back to us.  She may be listening, but with her back to you, you may have to go it alone.  You can do it.  Just say Yes, I can.

Taurus, you seem to be in a calm and balanced state. Your ears are back and your attention is looking up.

How do we feel? Are we balanced today? When we look up, what are we thinking? Are we lifting our thoughts and consciousness up?

At least we are grounded with all our feet on the ground. We have great strength and a good nose for things. We are also very practical, right?

The word 'patience' often comes to me when I see the bull.


Will we raise our consciousness today?  Time for us to begin shifting our energies from the activities of the Spring to enjoying the Summer.  IN our meditations we can ask Archangel Gabriel to get messages from God.   It is also a time to raise our consciousness and work with our guides and teachers.  Is the veil a little thinner today?  Let us tap into the energy of the earth as the Taurus Bull does.  Look at the beauty and find the beauty in everything.  God is there  We are able to tap also into our connection with our ancestors.  There may be karmic issues to work through today.
Note 2 images are of earth:  frogs, mushrooms and the bull.  We have the change of our relationships with the earth and celestial objects.  What a day.  Experience the Divine in all.

You are loved and blessed.

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