Saturday, June 6, 2020

Pregnant Mouse, Legal Papers, Spinning Top

The pregnant mouse is the card of poverty: poor as a mouse.  It is also about your needs being met.

There is also emotional stress and the feel of threat (you might feel very small in a much larger world). Are you focusing on lack and in need of support?
Lack on the mental level can also cause restriction on the physical level.

Can you change your thinking? Can you focus on your abundance instead?

The mouse also tells us to be patient. The seeds are planted and will take some time to develop and be delivered, like a baby.

The card of Legal papers is about written work. It can be about business affairs, legal procedures or business responsibility. It is also the card of study and contracts.

If you are drawn to the background, it may be about music. If you are drawn to the paper with the certificate on it, it may be about mortgage, marriage license or certificate. There appears to be both letterhead and manuscript on the table too.

What are you drawn to today? I'm drawn to the papers and see the contracts. Something to look at and bringing some healing there. Check it out on you.

The Spinning Top - an unexpected surprise. Could be a shock like what we see in the Jack's eyes. I hope you are shocked and overjoyed with your day

Take care that it doesn't unbalance you. You can keep things going.

Often this reflects a surprise that isn't is also less positive.

Be alert and you will stay balanced.

Are we feeling a lack today?  Legal papers contain writings.   Lately there have been numerous Executive orders from both the President and the Governors.  Looking forward to more clarity on re-opening businesses in light of the pandemic.   It's Saturday, it could  be something unexpected. Spinning top is about an unexpected surprise from God.  See the joy and feel it too.

You are loved and blessed.

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