Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Weeping Woman, Guardian Dog, Fool

The weeping woman is coping with the discouragement, frustration and lack of physical energy and enthusiasm.

There is a physical need for rest or change. She is overcoming emotional strain and reconsideration of problems and the situation.

Use the insight you have and determine your real needs and move forward on them.

The Guardian Dog is the instrument of the lover. We often think of the dog as a protector. They protect us and have wonderful loyalty as long as we treat them respectfully.

The dog is attentive, listening and focused. The same kind of focus when they are waiting to greet us when we come home.

What is dog focused on? Do you feel the anticipation the dog is feeling?

Is the dog watching for you to come home and waiting?

The fool is the card of physical pleasure and experience. The soul of the personality is in search of knowledge.

There may be a new beginning starting today.

What are you questing? What doors do you wish to open?

There is a suggestion to be more childlike.

You can do that,


What is the weeping woman focused upon?  She may be focusing inward or even praying.  Guardian Dog is attentive and focused.  We can do that too.  Remember though, God is always in us and with us, watching over us and helping when we ask.  It is said that God especially watches over drunks and fools.  Thank you God.  There is a theme here:  The Guardian Dog is watching and protecting us.  God is looking after the fool and Archangel Gabriel is listening.  Listening could be what the dog is doing too.  Most of us don't listen well or enough.  Tune in.

You are protected, blessed and loved.

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