Friday, October 4, 2019

Libra, Treasure Chest, Harmonizing Page

Libra is with us to help find balance in our life, especially today.
Many people are light sensitive and can get cancer with too much Sun light. There are UVA and UVB blockers that can help.  In the winter, we need more balanced light - full spectrum.

Ayurvedic healing defines wellness as having balance in your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of your life.  Bring balance and wholeness into your life today.

Open the box that contains your treasure and let it be seen. What can be seen? How is your financial abundance? More importantly, what is your treasure?

The treasure is you. You have the treasure within you. Let your light shine.

Use your treasure for the most important decisions. Your choices are what brings you the treasure and allows you to share your treasures.

Your cup runs over. Share the wealth, especially of love.

We can take some time to relax now. Gather with like minded people, sing together and be recharged.

Take time for some physical pleasure during these days of Fall. Find the joy of being with one another. Share the joy.

Enjoy the down time and recharge your batteries. Love and accept your lower self as it is the Earthly part of who you are.

When we are in a relaxed state, in the present, we are much more in balance and relieved of the stress of the world around us. Relax and hum or sing your favorite songs.
Can we get balanced today?  You have the light within you.  Open and let some of the light come into the world.  Ask Libra to bring balance to the planet.  let your light shine.  Smile and the world smiles back at you.  Laugh and the world is lighter and laughs too.  Relax now and find the joy.  Share it with all.

You are loved and blessed.

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