Saturday, October 12, 2019

Aquarius, Coins, Cancer

The energy of Aquarius is pouring out. It is added to the flow which varies in intensity and amplitude. Be aware of the energy flow today.

Aquarius tells us to look at our issues from a higher level, such as how it affects humanity. Can you do that? It can be a challenge to think at this level. Wouldn't it be nice if all of our leaders did it instead of the opposite?

How about some new ideas? With the outpouring, we may get some if we are open to them. Are you?

The coins are the symbol of increase including emotional increase and illumination.

The question is, "Is there an increase in illumination?" Are we wiser as a result of the current situation?

The Coins are coming in today.   Generate the energy and manifest it.

I hear hear the song, "The times, they are a changin'". What is next?

Things are always changing.  

Can you invoke the cosmic power of the Moon and Divine Mother, as both are of the Divine Feminine? Crabs are water creatures and are sensitive.

The crab can grab on to things with it's pincers, but don't hold on too much or too long. Hold only as needed. Can you side step if you have to when there are obstacles in your way?

Be like the Mother, nurture and love one another?  Yes, you can.

Can we raise the vibrations and lift us all up?  There is an increase of emotional energy and illumination with the coins.  Invoke the cosmic power of cancer which is also controlled by the moon and Divine Mother.  Carry an umbrella too with 2 signs with symbols of water.

You are loved and blessed.

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