Does the connection with family help or hurt. It can do either or both.
There is a strong connection with the Earth in the totem and the pine trees behind. As I gaze at the picture, the Totem is welcoming us back to nature and to our brother/sister spirits of the Earth
How is our relationship with family today?

The blue stars is the card of a Plan. It refers to favorable business. Accept advantages offered. Flowers unfold. Likewise, we too unfold. You bring hope.
What is our plan? To be in the Present Moment, the Presence of the Divine. We can manifest what is desired and for our highest good by using this plan.
The stars represent each of us connected, hope and integration of the five aspects of self. Once again, integration can come through our inner work and our outer work. Each of us grow where we are planted with others. Relationships and group energy can take us where we can't go by ourselves. We need groups to be successful in spiritual growth. It's also fun and you develop a spiritual connection with each other that is one of the most loving.

The drops from the vine are filling up the cup. Your cup is filled with sweet, sweet Spirit. Fill other's cups and yours will be full too.
These are Spiritual blessings. Be open, allow. Spirit loves you and your cup overflows.
Take a drink from Spirit and you will find the drink that never runs dry.
God loves you and you love God, whether you know it or not.
I believe this is a very powerful message to us. The Totem asks us to remember those who have died in wars. We are all connected with Source and are one Spiritual Family. Those who have died have given their blood and life for all of us in the name of Freedom. Enjoy the freedom but recognize it came with a high price.
Have a safe and wonderful Memorial Day weekend.
I believe this is a very powerful message to us. The Totem asks us to remember those who have died in wars. We are all connected with Source and are one Spiritual Family. Those who have died have given their blood and life for all of us in the name of Freedom. Enjoy the freedom but recognize it came with a high price.
Have a safe and wonderful Memorial Day weekend.
You are loved and blessed.
How beautifully appropriate for Memorial Day. I hope you plant some flags.
We are going to join our spiritual family on Spring retreat. We'll connect with each other and Source. I know we will be renewed as we drink from the Chalice.
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