Memorial Day is next Monday, are you starting to relaxing a little? Maybe you can and maybe you can't.
Can you take time for some physical pleasure today?
Relaxing is about enjoying the down time and recharging your batteries. Yo can love and accept your lower self as it is the Earthly part of who you are.
We have things to do today. Can we relax?

Looks to me like the page is dancing. Dancing sounds pretty good.
A quality of the Playful Page is holding to balance through contrast. This means contrast is the dissimilarity or difference between things. So if you are working too hard, then do the opposite - play. You may have been too serious, so shift to a lighter place.
When we look at things with a playful eye, it seems lighter. Have some fun and be safe.

Today's issue is about finding time to relax and harmonize. It is possible says the mouse. Our timing is such that we may have to wait for things to develop as indicated by the term of the pregnancy.
There are many possibilities. Surrender to it. Even in the work, surrender to it and be in the present.
Notice the two fpages and the two mice. There is a small number of two in the outcome as in the beginning. I do feel there is youthful energy with the pages and the mice.
You are loved and blessed.
There are many possibilities. Surrender to it. Even in the work, surrender to it and be in the present.
Notice the two fpages and the two mice. There is a small number of two in the outcome as in the beginning. I do feel there is youthful energy with the pages and the mice.
You are loved and blessed.
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