Archangel Michael, Angel of Fall and Justice, is with us. Michael is sitting looking to the future, but aware of the winds of change. Don't feel alone, the angels are with us.
Michael is telling us to evaluate the situation. Give proper thought to the best solution. Get the facts, use sound judgement and have the attitude of gratitude and all will be well.
Let go of old ideas, old patterns and old energy like the leaves of the trees.
Call upon Archangel Michael to assist with the letting go and protection.

Archangel Uriel brings in high energy. Do you feel it?
Call upon Uriel to help you. She will assist you if you are doing light work. This is part of our life's work: to bring in the light. Did you already know that? Don't take it for granted. Conscious living and choices are what it is all about.The angels can help you create the life of light you wish.

The journey is the card of progress. It can also indicate an ethical decision is being made. We are emotionally moving forward and mentally reaching for a specific goal.
Change your consciousness and you can change your view. You may see a better path to take.
We are on the long and winding road. It can be a higher road that shortens our trip. Enjoy the journey, our progress is good.
With Archangel Michael bringing us protection and Archangel Uriel helping with success, we have wonderful companions on our journey. Enjoy your progress.
You are loved and blessed.
With Archangel Michael bringing us protection and Archangel Uriel helping with success, we have wonderful companions on our journey. Enjoy your progress.
You are loved and blessed.
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