Is the Magical Horse making magical progress today? We see the horse is on the track, in the race but where is it, ahead or behind?
New Moon in Aries is about high energy. Are you ready for it? You can start new projects or energize old ones.
Go Magical.

How do we work this energy? The Lord of Benevolence is holding his hand open to the bird, representing Spirit. Let the bird take these seeds from us. Offer them to Spirit. Some call this surrendering it.
This is the answer: be open, allow more information to come to you. Be in the Present and at peace. Call Spirit to you. Calling makes the connection.
This is largely a mental space. You know how to get to it don't you? Begin with the concept.
Time to spend some time in Silence with the Presence.
Time to spend some time in Silence with the Presence.
Relax and find the peace within you.

Divine love always has and Divine love always will provide our every need", goes the Metaphysical statement.
The Divine Horse brings us well being and protection. Great things to have. This too is the answer to the issue of well being of the Magical Horse.
Another aspect of the Divine Horse is to tell us to practice contentment. When we do this, we find the serenity through balanced thinking. This too is comes with the Lord of Benevolence and emulating his actions.
You are loved and blessed.
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