The veil is thin. Can we see through it? Yes, if we try.
It is the card of severance. It is a physical separation from a loved one or friend. It can also indicate an emotional separation or release from a personal relationship.
There is a strength to resist a detrimental relationship. There can be gaining of personal freedom from restriction. Free at last, I'm free at last may be the watch words. Freedom does have a price though.
What is the barrier that separates here? The fence indicates temporary barrier.

It's good to have the Chalice today. See the drops from the vine filling up the cup? Is it water or wine. Do you fill your cup with Spirit or spirits? Fill other's cups and yours will be full too.
These are blessings. Be open, allow. Spirit loves you and your cup runs over.
Take a drink from Spirit and you will find the drink that never runs dry.
God loves you and you love God, whether you know it or not.

Trust is an issue that the global economy is having difficulties. It is time as Jesus said for us to recognize that we are all children of God - everywhere. To Love God and each other. When we love each other and follow the Divine Plan then our trust level is in tune with the Divine.
How beautiful both the child and the puppy are. That beauty is in each of us. If we haven't been focused on it, we would benefit by focusing on God's beauty within us.
The fence shows blockages. We see Spirit in both the people of the Fence and the Chalice. Touch into the Divine Feminine today. Touch into Love.
The fence shows blockages. We see Spirit in both the people of the Fence and the Chalice. Touch into the Divine Feminine today. Touch into Love.
You are loved and blessed.
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