Friday, February 20, 2009

Chalice, Capricorn, Ouroboros

We have the Chalice today. This cup relates to your Spirituality.

See the drops from the vine filling up the cup? Is it water or wine. Does it matter? Do you see it full or empty?

Are you drinking from Spirit? Are you receiving Spiritual Blessings?

God loves you and you love God, whether you know it or not.

Are you filling yourself with 'Loving Kindness (Metta)'? Maybe you should.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, who slows progress. This allows you more time to do what you need to do.

Fearlessness is a trait of the Capricorn. Facing fears and moving on through them gives you power and self confidence.

The picture of the Capricorn has the tail of a fish - power in the lower half and able to move through water with a flick of the fins. The head is of the goat - sure footed in the mountains and able to traverse the tricky path.

The Ouroboros is a symbol of connection. The snake has it's tail in it's mouth, creating the circle. It is a connection without end.

In the song, 'The Circle Chant': In this circle of love, in this circle of peace. I feel the unity. This is about Divine unity as well. Connecting and being one with God is the way.

Ouroboros is also about unity. We are all one. We may not realize it, but when we do, everything changes. How can I be angry with another? It is as if I am angry with myself. So too, if we love our self, we also love others.

As an issue of Spirit today, we can progress slowly and make our connection with the Divine. Be connected today through your Spirituality.

You are loved and blessed.

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