Friday, December 19, 2008

Butterflies, Candle, Leo

Butterflies tell us of transformation. We have embraced the idea for change in that we all have had enough of the past. Time to move forward.

There is great anticipation, expectation, joy and peace with the upcoming days. There is a new beginning, more potential and unfolding to come.

There is healing taking place. There is movement and a shift in the consciousness.

Some of the flowers have not fully open on the plant, but they will. That's you and all humanity opening at this time.

The candle is the symbol of wisdom. Find that wisdom today. "It is better to light one candle then curse the darkness" is a very slight on the less common "Chinese proverb" "'Don't curse the darkness - light a candle." The advice given is "if something is wrong, do something about it rather than complain."

The candle says "In light of what we know". To the left we have the Butterflies and to the right Leo. This is telling us that we transform by raising our consciousness to the Divine and our source of power comes from the power of the Father.

Leo is about the heart, a loving heart. It is about self manifesting into the larger Self - in other words: transformation.

It takes courage to do this. It means putting yourself out there. Some people think that Leos have a big ego. We all have the same size ego, but Leo is out there, putting the ego on display. One becomes vulnerable, open to all. A little scary isn't it?

You may have heard: " When your heart is open, Love will find a way". How wonderful.

Where is our synchronicity today? It is the light: light of butterflies, light of the candle and light of Leo - the Sun. Transformation brings in light, the light of knowledge brings in light and the Sun brings in light. Light is transformative. It is the challenge of the Leo. Butterflies tell us that the situation is temporary. The light diminishes for a few more days and then begins to return on the Solstice - 12/21. Get ready for more light and energy.

You are loved and blessed.

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