Persistence is the keyword for Taurus, along with stable and beautiful.

It takes persistence to manifest what we want, including transformation. It takes work.
Look for the beauty, it exists everywhere.

The healing energy coming in is available for creating the transformation you wish to happen. There are intense psychic forces operating now in the full moon.
Fly with the Eagle and see from a high place.
You have the power within you to act and accomplish what you mark as your goal.

The blue Sapphire is the card that brings the light of understanding. It is a symbol of the higher Self. With it comes illumination and Spiritual Wisdom.
Today it is telling us that we are receiving clarity. Can we let go of material and mental things? Can we improve the connection by removing blockages, allowing clarity and guidance to come through.
Allow your self the joy of connecting with your higher Self and getting information, wisdom and connections you wouldn't see otherwise. You can bring all the facts together today, like putting the pieces of the puzzle together.
On another level, a Taurus person is causing a conflict that requires Scorpio energy. This creates the clarity of guidance needed.
You are loved and blessed.
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