The Big Wish is the Card of Fulfillment. What is desired most is granted, conditioned by the other two cards.
In this case, there is a sense of the seeds being planted but not yet manifested. A Taurus brings the solution to our big wish.
There are many little wishes being fulfilled as well.
Another way we look at this card is that it says: "YES", when you have a yes/no question.

It takes persistence to manifest what we want, including love. Relationship takes work. A lesson that most newly weds must learn. Even oldly weds need to practice persistence too.
Look for the beauty, it exists everywhere.
The energy is coming in to help. Just say Yes and the doors open for you.

The pregnant mouse is the card of poverty: poor as a mouse. There is also emotional stress and the feel of threat (you might feel very small in a much larger world). Are you focusing on lack and in need of support?
Lack on the mental level can also cause restriction on the physical level.
Can you change your thinking? Can you focus on your abundance instead?
Today's issue is about finding how to say YES and make it happen. It may be a while yet.
You are loved and blessed.
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