Churches are beginning to prepare for the time of Advent. Of course the stores have begun to stock their shelves with the needs of Christmas.
Gabriel has her back to us. She may be listening, but with her back to you, you may have to go it alone. You can do it. Just say Yes, I can.
Magical things happen when you say, "Yes, I can". Barriers fall down and you can do what you need to do.
Keep your outcome in mind. Visualize and keep saying Yes.
Fill you heart with love and you can do anything.
Death brings and end to the current and the start to a new beginning.
I know we are all ready to end the current politics and economy.
Let's get everything moving forward again. Keep saying, "Yes, we can".
We have some challenges ahead that can be overcome with more light and love.
Major wish is surrounded by challenges. When we all are acting together with Love and highest good for all, right action can happen. Even if it takes us hard work. We are up to it.
You are loved and blessed.
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