Gemini look at all sides of the issues. That is why it takes them so long to make the decision. They are not indecisive, they are analyzing.
The other day, I wrote of the road of indecision. I was corrected in Yogi's quote. He said, "If you come to a fork in the road, take it".
Which one? Yes.
The treasure is you. You have the treasure within you as well. Lift the lid and let your light shine.
Use your treasure for the most important decisions. Your choices are what brings you the treasure and allows you to share your treasures.
Your cup runneth over. Share the wealth, especially of love.

What about your story? Get it down, others are interested to know that they have gone through the same things as you.
You have something to share, your treasure and your choices and your thoughts.
You are loved and blessed.
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