Archangel Gabriel watches over us this morning. She turns her head and listens. Are you listening? It is what we don't do enough of. Are you listening to your thoughts? Our thoughts are a reflection of how we are feeling and where we are. Listen to them, especially if there is a need for change.
Listen to your heart, she says. Find the silence of the present moment and listen.
Weeping woman has been with us frequently lately. Her message is melancholy and sadness. We live in a world of duality. That's the illusion there is. But wait a minute, there is so much more. Metaphysically speaking, it is all one continuum.
The path is short, we can only see a short distance. With that in mind, it tells us that this funk won't last. It is of a short duration.

Shift to a different position and move out of the slump.
Go inside and find the strength. You have it within you. Get moving.

Look at the congestion on either side of the path. Do you want to go there? I think not.
As you focus on the path , you see the tracks of those who have gone before you and make your path clear.
You area already on the path. That's today's loving message.
An interesting observation in the numbers: Archangel Gabriel is 13 less the 9 of the Weeping Woman is 4. What significance is this? Maybe it's part of the plan.
You are loved and blessed.
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