Thursday, February 24, 2022

Death, Pregnant Mouse, Secrets

The Angel of Death is ready to bring closure. The full Moon is also upon us, as full as shown in the picture of Death.

Death is standing in front the moon as it shines brightly when it is dark. Things that are not seen in the dark are now having light shined on it.

What is in your spotlight? Time for a new beginning.

Be ready and willing.

The pregnant mouse is the card of poverty: poor as a mouse.  It is also about your needs being met.

There is also emotional stress and the feel of threat (you might feel very small in a much larger world). Are you focusing on lack and in need of support?
Lack on the mental level can also cause restriction on the physical level.

Can you change your thinking? Can you focus on your abundance instead?

The mouse also tells us to be patient. The seeds are planted and will take some time to develop and be delivered, like a baby.

The time is now. Time to realize, there are invisible forces helping now.

There are emotional shifting of values. There is a change of ideas or perspective.

There is high energy coming from all levels.  Higher and higher consciousness moves. You can handle the shift if you are in the present. See you there.

Is it time to bring closure to an issue?  There seems to be a lack going on.  Could be that fear and that energy is feeding the lack.  The Universe is abundant.  What is needed can be created.   There are invisible forces helping now, thank God.  There is also a higher level of consciousness with us too.  We may not understand it but we are showered with blessings.

Smile and get into neutral mind.  Stay in God’s Love vibration.

You are loved and blessed.


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