Monday, December 6, 2021

Lord of Power, Unicorn, Playful Page

The Lord of Power is the card of concentration and channeling of energy.  It is the control of emotional vitality, direction of dynamics of personality.  Understand that all levels of force belong to one Energy, Ulti-matter.
You have greater power to use from your inner self and higher self.

Understand how to use your spiritual power.  The right thought creates the right action.  You have the power to manifest by using these spiritual laws.
Manifest what you want and are guided to.  Do this with prayer and meditation.  This is how you access Divine Abundance and create.

The Unicorn is the card of uncontrolled force (reckless).  There is physical energy and vital force.  The Unicorn is alert and aware of subtle energy.
Unicorn tells you that you are ready to move ahead.   You are no longer closed off or limited.  Bring out your potential, not the reckless.

Perform disciplined creativity.  It is successful at this time.

Use meditation energy to raise yourself up to a higher and purer level.  It also raises all of us too.

It is a time for play and downtime. Oh what possibilities.
Looks to me like the page is dancing. Dancing sounds pretty good.

A quality of the Playful Page is holding to balance through contrast. This means contrast is the dissimilarity or difference between things. So if you are working too hard, then do the opposite - play. You may have been too serious, so shift to a lighter place.

When we look at things with a playful eye, it seems lighter. Have some fun and be safe. What will it matter in 10, 000 years? You can create some moments of happiness to remember forever.


Can we meditate and manifest today?  We have the potential energy from the Unicorn, then manifesting like the Lord of Power.  Use the energy of creation for your playful page contrast.  Do what is needed.

Smile and be positive.  Stay in the Love vibration.

You are loved and blessed.

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