Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Fence, Weeping Woman, Road of Indecision

The veil is thin. Can we see through it? Yes, if we try.

It is the card of severance. It is a physical separation from a loved one or friend. It can also indicate an emotional separation or release from a personal relationship.

There is a strength to resist a detrimental relationship. There can be gaining of personal freedom from restriction. Free at last, I'm free at last may be the watch words. Freedom does have a price though.

What is the barrier that separates here? The fence indicates temporary barrier.


The weeping woman is coping with the discouragement, frustration and lack of physical energy and enthusiasm.

There is a physical need for rest or change. She is overcoming emotional strain and reconsideration of problems and the situation.

Are you meditating and quietly contemplating the problem? Contemplation and meditation can bring new insights to the situation.

What is the larger concept? How do we rethink the situation to make the best choice?

Where are you on the Road of Indecision? This is also the road of return. Are we now coming full circle?

Are you on the other side of the mountain? Are you making your return trip home?

Always look to what your options are and use your intuition too.

Are being locked down again with the Fence?  Seems like it.  Doesn't it frustrate you and make you want to cry?  Go within and find your strength that is your connection with God.  Meditate and contemplate.  Find the larger concept and do some critical thinking.  Use your intuition and ask to see all the good options.  Pray for our country and leaders.  Surround them with the Love and Truth vibration.

Yep, we've got some frustrations and disappointments today.  Time to talk with our guides and those in Spirit.  Resist a detrimental relationship and find the freedom. 
Smile and stay positive, in the Love vibration.

You are loved and blessed.

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