Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Journey, Playful Page, Gemini

The journey is the card of progress. It can also indicate an ethical decision is being made. We are emotionally moving forward and mentally reaching for a specific goal.

Change your consciousness and you can change your view. You may see a better path to take.

We are on the long and winding road. It can be a higher road that shortens our trip. Enjoy the journey.

It is a time for play and downtime. Oh what possibilities.

Looks to me like the page is dancing. Dancing sounds pretty good.

A quality of the Playful Page is holding to balance through contrast. This means contrast is the dissimilarity or difference between things. So if you are working too hard, then do the opposite - play. You may have been too serious, so shift to a lighter place.

When we look at things with a playful eye, it seems lighter. You can create some moments of happiness to remember forever.

Gemini, is an air sign and includes brothers and sisters, over which we have no control.

We see the energy is gathering. We recognize that we are both polarities within us. It is who we are. Accept it and love it.

Is there a decision coming up for you? Call in the energy to help you with it.

Use your good judgment by seeing how your whole person feels.

What kind of progress are we getting today?  Playful page tells us to balance through contrast.  Gemini tells us to make a decision by looking at both sides of the issues.  We are making progress and there is an ethical decision to be made.  Gemini's are not so good at decisions sometimes because of looking at all sides and getting lost in the analysis.  Put some bounds on the analysis and ask for the most important information to be evaluated.  That helps.

We have 2 green cards indicating growth.  Choose wisely.  Look at all sides and keep asking if we have all the necessary facts to make a good decision.

You are loved and blessed.

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