Friday, August 21, 2020

Guardian Dog, Road of Indecision, Gemini

The Guardian Dog is the instrument of the lover. We often think of the dog as a protector. They protect us and have wonderful loyalty as long as we treat them respectfully.

The dog is attentive, listening and focused. The same kind of focus when they are waiting to greet us when we come home.

What is dog focused on? Do you feel the anticipation the dog is feeling?

Is the dog watching for you to come home and waiting?

What is the larger concept? How do we rethink the situation to make the best choice?

Where are you on the Road of Indecision? This is also the road of return. Are we now coming full circle?

Are you on the other side of the mountain? Are you making your return trip home?

Always look to what your options are and use your intuition too.

Gemini, is an air sign and includes brothers and sisters, over which we have no control.

We see the energy is gathering. We recognize that we are both polarities within us. It is who we are. Accept it and love it.

Is there a decision coming up for you? Call in the energy to help you with it.

Use your good judgment by seeing how your whole person feels.

Are you watching and listening to what is going on around you?  What is the larger concept here.  Can we move to a higher position on the road and get a better view?  What is the view we have telling us?  Ask, Ask, Ask and you will receive.  The energy of Gemini is flowing in to help us with quick mind and communication which are so very important.  We are so blessed to have the Creator's love and protection.  The guidance is great too.  What wonderful blessings.

Remember, you are loved and blessed.

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